# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # I really like this golden crown brown sugar plum. Each one is an independent small package, which is more hygienic and convenient to carry than a whole bag. The sweetness of brown sugar and the sourness of plums are both appetizing and delicious. The sweetness in a candy is sour and refreshing, a bit like the feeling of eating Xiudou when I was a child. When climbing a mountain Take one when you go for a walk Get one when you get car sick It's really a small snack that people can't put it down and repurchase infinitely.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 非常喜欢这款金冠黑糖话梅。 每一颗都是独立的小包装,比一整袋的卫生,携带方便。 黑糖的甜配上话梅的酸,既开胃又好吃。 一颗糖里甜蜜裹着酸爽,有点像以前小时候吃秀逗的感觉。 爬山的时候来一颗 散步的时候来一颗 晕车的时候来一颗 真是一款让人爱不释嘴无限回购的小零食。