# 提升幸福感电器 # # 火锅永远吃不腻 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation949b055e8d476cae9 I am the master of my hot pot I'm so happy to start with this beautiful and practical hot pot barbecue artifact from Yamibuy.com. Advantages: The pot is deep enough. Although it is not a big pot, I think it is not impossible for 4 people to eat it. Not to mention fast heating and easy cleaning, this is very important. Usually I don’t want to work when I’m full. But this one is super easy to clean. It's the perfect size, it doesn't take up much space on the table, and the charm of it is that as soon as you see it, you're itching and you want to hit the stove 😝 Cons: No cons, buy it!
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# 提升幸福感电器 # # 火锅永远吃不腻 # # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 我的火锅我做主 好开心在亚米网入手这款集颜值与实用于一身的火锅烧烤神器。 优点: 锅体够深 虽说不是大锅 但是我吃下来觉得4个人吃也不是不可以呀。加热快不说 清洗方便, 这个很重要 通常吃饱了 都不想干活。但是这个清洗超级方便。这个大小真得很完美 放在桌子上也不占地方 而且把它的魅力就在于 只要你看见它呀 你就心痒痒 就想打边炉呀😝 缺点: 没有缺点,买吧!