# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # This order has not been shipped for a long time, and I was particularly worried that it would be too late to post the order. Fortunately, it arrived today. I opened it, and it was postponed... So I will post the order non-stop. 1️⃣ Some people have always recommended that the plums in Xiaomeiwu are delicious. Since I gave birth to a baby, I like to eat sour mouth, so I bought a pack of plums and dried tangerine plum cakes. Personally, I prefer plum cakes. The plums are not sour, so they can only be used as snacks. The plum cakes are a little sour, so they are more delicious. 2️⃣Bashu people's self-cooked spicy hot pot, when I ate it for the first time, I thought it was delicious. Although some people think it is not delicious, everyone's taste is different, so I still insist that it is delicious... I have repurchased it N times. 3️⃣Kou Dae Spicy Crayfish Noodles, this time I also bought the shrimp and came back to see how it tastes... I'll make a review when I eat it, but I quite like the crayfish. Some people want to say that shrimp has no meat, and it is better to buy shrimp to eat if it is dry. Yes, I feel the same way, but it is not because of laziness 😂 Whoever works hard will do it. I think it tastes good, it doesn't matter if you eat less. The point is that the prawn shells are also very flavorful, which is good… Others... haven't eaten yet, I'll write after I eat them In the end, in fact, I made this order to see what the red envelope 🧧 has, yes, it didn't disappoint me... No matter if the weather is good or not, tomorrow will come 2021 please stay safe … Happy new year! ! (Personal feeling, don't spray if you don't like it)
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 这一单下了很久都没发货,特别担心来不及晒单😂,幸好今天到货了,打开一看,延期了…这就马不停蹄的来晒单啦。 1️⃣一直有人推荐小梅屋的西梅好吃,自从生了娃,爱吃酸口😂,就买了一包西梅和陈皮梅饼。个人更喜欢梅饼,西梅不酸,只能当零食了,梅饼一点点酸,所以还比较好吃一点。 2️⃣巴蜀人家的自煮麻辣火锅,当我第一次吃的时候,我就觉得很好吃。虽然有人觉得不好吃,每个人的口味都不一样嘛,所以我还是坚持觉得它好吃…回购N次了。 3️⃣寇大海麻辣小龙虾拌面,这次我还买了虾仁的回来看看味道怎么样…等我吃的时候再做评价,但是小龙虾我蛮喜欢的。有人要说了,虾没啥肉,干巴巴的还不如买虾来吃,是啊,我也这样觉得,但是这不是因为懒嘛😂谁勤快,谁做。我觉得味道不错,少吃点没什么关系的。关键是虾壳也很有味道,这点很好… 其他的…还没吃,等我吃了再来写吃后感 最后,其实凑这单我是想看看送的红包🧧有啥,不错,没让我失望… 不管明天是否好天气,明天都会到来 2021 请你 别来无恙 … 新年快乐!! (个人感受,不喜勿喷)