# 夏日清凉 # This fast food is simply amazing, it's so delicious~ It's too hot to cook in summer and eat it! When I saw "Beef Bone Soup" on Yami, I was generally moved. This new product seems to be quite good. I bought it and tried it. Conclusion: very delicious, recommended! One packet is for one person, and the weight looks quite large. There are dry rice noodle packets, beef bone soup packets, bamboo shoots, vegetables (black fungus and wakame), spicy oil, and sesame seeds. I wasn't very hungry at noon, so I added some eggs and vegetables, and shared a portion with my teammates. Both of them were actually seventy percent full. When cooking, boil a pot of boiling water first, nest two eggs in it, add rice noodles after the eggs are formed, and cook the rice noodles for a total of 9-10 minutes. After the rice noodles are boiled, add various ingredients, and the beef bone soup will taste from the inside! ! The aroma is tangy, and the saliva begins to secrete madly. Bamboo shoots and vegetables can also be left unboiled, but to be safe, heat them at a high temperature. The amount is very large, and it is enough for two people to eat. After tasting it, I found that the soup dumpling itself was a little bit spicy, so we didn't add any more chili oil. Finally, add a little cabbage and cook until soft, then sprinkle with sesame seeds after the pot is out. After taking a bite, I couldn't help but "wow". The soup was fragrant and spicy, but it was not too much. Black fungus, wakame, and bamboo shoots are all crispy and crunchy. Fans are quite Q bomb, very chewy. The last bit of sesame garnishes the aroma, it's perfect. Recommended index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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Yamiセレクション # 夏日清凉 # 这款速食简直可以封神了,太好吃啦~夏天太热懒得下厨就吃它! 在亚米上看到“牛骨浓汤”我一般就心动了,这款新品看起来料还挺足的,买回来吃吃看。 先说结论:非常好吃,推荐! 一包是一人份,分量看起来挺大的,有干米粉包、牛骨汤包、笋片、蔬菜(黑木耳和裙带菜)、香辣油、芝麻。 中午不是很饿,于是加了点鸡蛋和蔬菜,和队友share了一份,两个人竟然都吃到七分饱了。 煮得时候先烧一锅开水,窝了两个鸡蛋进去,鸡蛋成型后加入米粉,米粉一共需要煮9-10分钟。米粉煮软之后加入各种料包,牛骨汤一家进去就由内味儿了!!香味扑鼻而来,口水开始分狂分泌。笋片和蔬菜不煮也可以,但是安全起见稍微高温加热一下,量非常大,两个人吃都觉得很够。尝了一口发现汤包本身有一丢丢辣度,我们就没有再加辣油。最后加入一点白菜煮软,出锅之后再撒上芝麻。 吃了一口就忍不住“哇”了出来,汤汁香浓,一丝丝辣味冲击着舌头但是一点都不过分。黑木耳、裙带菜、笋片都很脆,咬起来嘎吱嘎吱的。粉丝相当Q弹,很有嚼劲。最后的一点点芝麻点缀了香气,完美了。 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟