# 2021赏月计划 # # 美心月饼 # # 美心冰皮月饼 # During the holidays, I still have to eat moon cakes when I come to the Mid-Autumn Festival. In fact, I wanted to buy Maxim's moon cakes last year, but the price of fried ones in China is a bit high. I didn't expect to eat them in the United States. Snowskin mooncakes have the texture of ice cream, and there are 16 flavors of cakes in them. Personally, I prefer chocolates. Although they are not quite like traditional mooncakes, I hope they can last until the Mid-Autumn Festival!
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Yamiセレクション # 2021赏月计划 # # 美心月饼 # # 美心冰皮月饼 # 每逢节假倍思亲 到中秋还是要吃月饼 其实去年就想买美心的月饼了 但是国内买炒的价格有点高 没想到来美国吃到了 冰皮月饼是冰淇淋的口感 里面也有蛋糕 16种口味的 个人比较喜欢巧克力的各种 虽然其实不太像传统的月饼了 但是图个热闹 希望能坚持到中秋!