# 为所爱 放肆嗨 #Omelette is a fried egg with some stuffing in the middle and rolled. Originated in France. ☀️ Practice Omelettes are fried in no time, so make sure you have all the ingredients ready before you start making them. A 7-inch non-stick pan can be used for two-egg omelettes; one size larger for three eggs. Other than that, all you need is a small bowl, a fork and spatula. I like to add a little olive oil and cream for extra flavor. If you want to add vegetables like onions, bell peppers or mushrooms, it's best to cook them beforehand.
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 #欧姆蛋(Omelette)是煎熟的鸡蛋,中间或可放些馅料卷著。发源地为法国。 ☀️做法 欧姆蛋一下就煎好,所以,一定要先把所有材料准备好,再开始做。两颗蛋份量的欧姆蛋可以用七吋的不沾锅;三颗蛋用的锅子就再大一号。除此之外,你只需要一个小碗、一支叉子和锅铲就行了。我喜欢加一点橄榄油和奶油增加风味。如果你想加入蔬菜,像是洋葱、甜椒或蘑菇,最好事先煮一下。