# 亚米虎年红包 #I feel that the back design of the red envelope is more cute. Ranli cake has nothing to say, the taste and taste are great, but I dare not buy it without discount. Red velvet is delicious, but I love barley ruoye the most. My past experience tells me that buying four delicious things is too much. If I buy too much, I can only drive myself crazy.
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# 亚米虎年红包 #感觉红包的背面设计更可爱。然利蛋糕没得说,口感,味道都棒棒的,但是不打折也不敢买。红丝绒是很好吃啦,但我最爱大麦若叶,以往的经历告诉我,好吃的东西买四个就顶天了,买多了只能是自己把自己逼疯了。