# 亚米与你相识已9 # Bought this PRETZ Charcoal Grilled Flavor Cookie Bar a while ago. Originally thought it was salty, similar to supermarket bought pretzels. In fact, it is sweet and has a strong milky aroma, which has nothing to do with the smoky charcoal grilled taste. But surprisingly delicious 😋 The crunchy biscuit sticks are full of milky flavor, and you can't stop eating them. Two packs in a box. One packet at a time as a small snack, the amount is just right. Add to repo list 😄 Happy birthday to Yami 🎂🎁🎊🎈
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# 亚米与你相识已9 # 不久前买了这款PRETZ炭烤风味饼干棒。 原本以为它是咸味的,类似超市里买的pretzels。实际它是甜味的,还有浓浓的奶香,和烟熏炭烤味儿不沾边。但却出乎意料的好吃😋 脆脆的饼干棒,奶香味十足,吃上就停不下来。一盒里两包。一次一包当作小零食,量刚刚好。加入回购清单😄 祝亚米生日快乐🎂🎁🎊🎈