# 新品测评 # 🍀 Xi'an's specialty snack, Camellia oleifera, is a gradual change from the former folk snack fried noodles. It is a very popular authentic and simple ethnic traditional food. The main raw materials include flour, peanuts, oil, sesame, almonds, etc., rich in unsaturated fatty acids and protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, zinc, because it generally contains various nuts, so the calories are not high, people who lose weight eat camellia oleifera There will also be no pressure. It can be used for breakfast or afternoon tea and snacks. It is nutritious and delicious, and it is very popular! 🍀 As a native of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the free shipping triangle, I have never been to Xi'an, so I have never eaten authentic oil tea, and I have heard its name for a long time but never seen it! A random search on the Internet shows that the first place in Xi'an Camellia is the time-honored Defuxiang. It is an old shop that started in 1890 and has a century-old history passed down from generation to generation. The reputation of virtue and prosperity! This time, I found out that Yami has actually launched a variety of halal flavors of oil tea from the Defuxiang brand. Wow, I can finally taste the legendary deliciousness! So happy! 🍀 I chose three flavors of Defuxiang camellia, beef bone marrow camellia, eight treasures salted camellia, and middle-aged and elderly camellia! After comparing the main ingredient list, they all contain wheat flour, peanut kernels, sunflower kernels, white sesame, black sesame, oat, corn flour, black bean flour, black rice flour, lotus seed flour, and other ingredients are slightly different, such as the addition of middle-aged and elderly camellia oil. Wheat germ, raisins and wolfberry, beef bone marrow camellia with wheat germ, walnut kernels, almonds, and beef bone marrow oil, eight treasures salted camellia with walnut kernels, almonds, and raisins, the flavors are only slightly different on the basis of rich flavor. 🍀I can't wait to taste all three flavors. It is very convenient to make. They are all packaged in a small bag. Just pour in boiling water and stir well. A small tip is that it is best to use a little cold water first. Stir well without knotting After the block, pour in about 300ml of boiling water, stir it into a paste, it will be more delicate and smooth, and the taste will be better! The process of rinsing it down with boiling water and slowly making it into a paste is very healing. While smelling the more and more intense fragrance, while looking at the color and feel of chocolate juice, I can’t get greedy before it’s ready, haha! Because there are various nuts and sesame seeds, it smells so tempting, more fragrant than sesame paste! All kinds of nuts are crunchy and delicious, and taste delicate and sweet when drinking. Eight treasures salty camellia is full of fruity aroma, and beef bone marrow camellia is more mellow. It is said that it tastes better with De Fuxiang's oatmeal and twist. I hope Yami will ship it soon!
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Yamiセレクション # 新品测评 # 🍀 西安的特色小吃——油茶,就是从前的民间小吃炒面慢慢变化而来的,是非常受欢迎的地道朴实的民族传统食物。主要原料包括面粉,花生米,油,芝麻,杏仁等等,富含不饱和脂肪酸和蛋白质,碳水化合物,钙,铁,锌,因为一般含各种坚果,所以热量不高,减肥的人吃油茶也不会有压力,既可做早餐也可做下午茶点心夜宵,又营养又好吃,深受喜爱! 🍀 作为一个包邮三角区的江浙人,我还没去过西安,所以从来没有吃过正宗地道油茶,久闻其名而未得见!网上随便搜一搜,西安油茶排名第一的就是老字号的德富祥,是一家始于1890年,历经四世相传百年历史的老店,选料考究工艺细琢,有“瞬间百年香,情系德富祥”的美誉!这次发现亚米居然上新了德富祥品牌的各种清真口味的油茶,哇,终于可以尝尝传说中的美味了!好开心! 🍀选了德富祥三种口味的油茶,牛骨髓油茶,八宝咸油茶,中老年油茶!比较了一下主要配料表,都含有小麦粉,花生仁,葵花籽仁,白芝麻,黑芝麻,燕麦,玉米粉,黑豆粉,黑米粉,莲子粉,其他的配料略有不同,比如中老年油茶添加小麦胚,葡萄干和枸杞,牛骨髓油茶添加小麦胚,核桃仁,杏仁,和牛骨髓油,八宝咸油茶添加核桃仁,杏仁,和葡萄干,口味鲜香浓郁的基础上只是略有区别。 🍀迫不及待地把三种口味都尝了,做起来很方便,都是一小袋一小袋的包装,只要冲入开水搅拌均匀就好,小tips是最好先用一点点凉开水先搅拌均匀不结块之后再冲入开水大约300ml,搅拌成糊状,会更细腻滑顺,口感更佳哦!开水冲下去慢慢调成糊状的过程挺治愈的,一边闻着越来越浓郁的香味,一边看着如巧克力汁般的颜色和手感,还没冲好就馋的不行了哈哈!因为有各种坚果芝麻,闻着太诱人了,比芝麻糊更香!各种果仁酥脆可口,喝起来口感细腻香甜,八宝咸油茶果香四溢,牛骨髓油茶更醇厚一些,中老年油茶中规中矩,都是养胃滋补佳品呀!据说配上德富祥的燕麦片和麻花口感更好,希望亚米快点上货呀!