🎉New Product Test🎉 油茶, a common local snack for breakfast in the north, it is made by frying flour, adding other ingredients, and mixing it with hot water to make a paste, with a sweet and salty taste. 這次測試三種油茶,分別是1️⃣德富祥牛骨髓油茶、2️⃣兆輝牛骨髓油茶、3️⃣兆輝紅棗甜油茶。 There are sweet and salty, two brands, just to compare the differences between brands and different tastes. Open the outer packaging and take out the small bags. Each small bag is 40 grams. It needs to be mixed with 200-250 ml of hot water. 🍃The main ingredients are wheat flour, grains, nuts, with different flavors, there are also beef bone marrow and red dates. 🍃De Fuxiang's 油茶 is a green packaging, followed by a simple guide on how to eat it. 🍃The packaging of Zhaohui is more casual, except for the brand name and 油茶, there is no other explanation. Neither of them stated what flavor they were in the sachet. I have drunk sweet noodle tea before. The flour itself does not have much taste, and it plays a role in gelatinization. The smell depends on other ingredients. 🍃Defuxiang beef bone marrow 油茶, salty taste, add 200ml of water as recommended, the texture is thin, if you use a mug to soak, you must pay attention to the amount of water. There is a little bit of beef bone marrow and some nut particles in it, but the almond bitterness is more obvious, it tastes like salty almond nut juice, and it doesn't taste very meaty. 🍃Zhaohui Beef Bone Marrow 油茶, the same is salty, this is very delicious, add the same water, the consistency is higher than other brands, can have 油茶 embellished with beef grains, a bit of nutty taste, taste Evenly, none of the nutty flavors are too prominent to mask other smells, and there is a slight aroma of fried noodles. 🍃Zhaohui Red Date Sweet 油茶, this one is sweet and has the lowest batter among the three trials, more like a drink. You can directly taste the taste of red dates, which is just the right mix with the fragrance of the noodles. There are no eye-catching nuts in it, just to highlight the soft pulp of the small particles of red dates. 🎉🎉🎉As I have not tried the local authentic products, the taste and texture of Zhaohui brand make me more like, I would like to try other Zhaohui flavors and repurchase. # 油茶 # # 美味测评 ## 亚米测评 # # 感谢亚米 #
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Yamiセレクション 🎉新品測試🎉 油茶,北方早餐常見的地方小吃,是將麵粉炒熟之後,加入其他的配料製成,配上熱水調勻成糊狀,有甜鹹口味。 這次測試三種油茶,分別是1️⃣德富祥牛骨髓油茶、2️⃣兆輝牛骨髓油茶、3️⃣兆輝紅棗甜油茶。有甜有鹹,兩款牌子,剛好可以比較品牌之間與口味不同的差異。 打開外包裝拿出小袋子,每一小袋40克就是一份的量,需要加入200-250毫升的熱水沖調。 🍃主要成分是小麥粉、穀物、堅果,搭配不同口味另有牛骨髓與紅棗。 🍃德富祥的油茶是綠色包裝,後面加上怎麼食用的簡易指導。 🍃兆輝的包裝比較隨意,除了品牌名與油茶就沒有別的說明了。兩種都沒有在小包裝袋註明是什麼口味。 以前有喝過甜麵茶,麵粉本身沒有太多味道,在裡面起到糊化的作用,氣味方面靠其他配料。 🍃德富祥牛骨髓油茶,鹹的口味,按照推薦加了200毫升的水,質地偏稀,如果拿馬克杯泡一定要注意水量。裡面略微有點牛骨髓還有一些堅果顆粒,但是杏仁苦味較明顯,喝起來像是鹹的杏仁堅果露,嚐不太出肉香。 🍃兆輝牛骨髓油茶,一樣是鹹的,這款非常好喝,加一樣的水,濃稠度比他牌高,能有油茶糊糊的感覺,有點堅果顆粒點綴也有牛骨髓碎粒,口味調和的均勻,沒有哪個堅果味道太突出掩蓋其他氣味,有淡淡的炒熟麵香。 🍃兆輝紅棗甜油茶,這款是甜的,且是三個嘗試裡面糊度最低的,比較像飲品。能直接嚐出來是紅棗口味,與麵香的調配恰到好處,相得益彰,裡面沒什麼搶眼的堅果,剛好能突顯紅棗小顆粒柔軟的果肉感,口感口味都極佳。 🎉🎉🎉做為沒有嘗試過當地正宗款的我來說,兆輝品牌的口味與口感都讓我更喜歡,會想試兆輝其他口味且回購。 # 油茶 # # 美味测评 ## 亚米测评 # # 感谢亚米 #