# 好物11道来 # I have never eaten authentic hot and dry noodles, but this instant food tastes good. The sauce is delicious and the noodles are firm. The approach is simpler. Cooked noodles, sesame seasoning sauce, chili oil and blended sauce, mix well, sprinkle with chopped green onion, the deliciousness is right in front of you.
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# 好物11道来 # 没吃过正宗的热干面,这款速食吃来味道还不错。酱料味道好,面也挺劲道。做法更简单。煮熟面,芝麻调味酱加上辣椒油和调和好的酱汁,混合拌匀,撒上葱花,美味即在眼前。