#亚米经验值+1# I bought a box of sea cucumber porridge from KOTOBUKI Hokkaido instant seafood porridge series. The net content of each box is 230 grams. It can be boiled in boiling water for five minutes. After the water boils, put the plastic-sealed vacuum bag of sea cucumber porridge into it, and it will boil again soon. Take out the silver-white bag, which doesn’t feel hot to your hands, tear it open and pour it into a bowl; the cooked seafood porridge is relatively thin, and the seasoning is slightly salty Fresh and fragrant, the thin strips of sea cucumber are smooth and soft, similar to the one shown in the promotional picture. The introduction says that sea cucumber is nutritious and can enhance resistance.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 买了盒 KOTOBUKI 北海道速食海鲜粥系列的海参粥,每盒净含量为二百三十克,放入沸水中煮五分钟即可,不拍挤压、携带方便;拿出火焰山城小火锅,水开后把海参粥的塑封真空袋搁进去,很快就又沸腾了,拎出银白色的袋子,不觉得烫手,撕开后倒入碗中;煮熟的海鲜粥较稀,调味微咸鲜香,海参细条滑软,同宣传图上展示的相近,介绍上说营养海参,可增强抵抗力。