【Ishizawa Research Institute's Baking Soda Cleansing Powder】 I've used his rice mask before, it's so good This time, I tried the cleansing powder, which is very cheap. I also sent a large handkerchief. This cleansing powder is too powerful, once or twice a week is enough After use, be sure to use Dr. Shirono wet compress to shrink pores Follow-up skin care It is said that it can also be mixed with facial cleanser, I can try it next time
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【石泽研究所的小苏打洁颜粉】 之前用过他家的大米面膜 好用到爆 这次试试洁颜粉 很平价 还送了个超大手绢 这个洁颜粉清洁力太强 每周一两次就足够 用完一定要先用城野医生湿敷一下收缩毛孔 再进行后续的护肤 据说还可以和洗面奶混合在一起用 下次可以试一试