# 冬日养生 #How can you make soup without morels, ribs soup, chicken soup, meatball soup...it's really good🉑 1. Prepare ingredients: ribs, morels, wolfberry 2. Soak and wash the morels in advance; wash the ribs and slice the ginger. 3. Put the ribs into the pot, add ginger slices, 1 spoon of cooking wine, appropriate amount of water and blanch for 3 minutes, remove and drain 4. Add the pork ribs, ginger slices and an appropriate amount of water to boil, simmer for 1 hour, add morels and wolfberries and continue to simmer for 30 minutes. Add an appropriate amount of salt and serve. Very fresh and delicious😋# 年货好物种草指南 # # 厨房必备神器 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationd29d96 64323942ad96164ed4d0874962 #
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# 冬日养生 #煲汤怎么能少了羊肚菌,排骨汤,鸡汤,肉丸子汤……真的很🉑 1.准备食材:排骨、羊肚菌、枸杞 2.羊肚菌提前浸泡洗净;排骨洗净,姜切片 3.排骨放入锅中,加入姜片、料酒1勺、适量清水焯水3分钟,捞出沥干 4.放入排骨、姜片、清水适量煮沸,小火炖1小时,放入羊肚菌、枸杞继续炖30分钟,放入适量盐即可出锅 很鲜很好吃😋# 年货好物种草指南 # # 厨房必备神器 # # 关于美食 #