# 厨房必备神器 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation7ae7de750edd45e29b72 18c51f8a0b0e # # 生日必吃 # # 长寿面 # Today we share a noodle from our 生日必吃🍜 长寿面 You must eat 长寿面 on your birthday, and our methods are similar Add day lily, peas, red mushrooms, seaweed, peanuts and fried eggs 🍳 Some people also add dried razor clams, scallops, and quail eggs🥚 The toppings of the noodles can be added according to the dishes you like to eat Delicious and meaningful! ♥️
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# 厨房必备神器 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 美食种草 # # 生日必吃 # # 长寿面 # 今日分享我们生日必吃的一道面🍜 长寿面 生日一定要吃长寿面,而且我们的做法差不多 都要加黄花菜,豌豆,红菇,紫菜,花生,煎鸡蛋🍳 有些人家还有放蛏干,干贝,鹌鹑蛋🥚 面的料头可以根据喜欢吃的菜添加 好吃好寓意!♥️