I saw a lot of people saying that the gluttonous konjac is delicious and couldn't help but buy five packs. Recommend this salted egg yolk pancake! It tastes delicious and the packaging is convenient. Bourbon's egg rolls are super good. Bought a pack of dried snail noodles to try. I gave up losing weight, and another snack is already on the way~
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看到好多人说馋魔芋好吃忍不住买了五包,一开始觉得一般现在根本停不下来😂 推荐这个咸蛋黄饼!吃起来很香包装也方便。 Bourbon的蛋卷都超级好次的。 买了一包干捞螺蛳粉试试。 放弃减肥了,另一单零食已经在路上~