Red Oil Noodles of Dark Cuisine
Still my fancy scourge brined kelp.
Mixed with red oil pastry for dinner, and added kelp and shredded cucumber. What? Ask me why my swordsmanship is so bad? In fact it doesn't exist at all… Also, I don't know why I would put a poached egg in it. Anyway, I just make a bag of instant noodles to fill my stomach (.
The result of 20minutes👇If you complain, please be merciful. I am really straight.…
The skin is still very good, slippery and elastic. Although I just came into contact with this brand for a while, but from the first bite, I was quite impressed with Guangyou's noodles(?) Well, maybe it's because I've always liked the taste. There are three seasoning packets of pepper, vinegar and powder in the package. The powder bag is a little damp. I don't know if it is like this, and the powder has formed a lump. But it still smells good, salty and umami. The vinegar bag is a small packet. Since I added a bunch of mess, I threw the whole vinegar bag into it, and it turned out not to be very sour. The chili is a big package, and the red is very heavy. But under the trust of my kelp cucumber shreds, I clenched my teeth and stomped my feet and I poured it all in.
And then, the first bite.
spicy hot hot hot hot hot hot hot Spicy, Spicy, Spicy, Spicy, Spicy, Spicy, Spicy, Spicy span>
Maybe I'd really die without that poached egg that I'm brain-extracting (.

拌了红油面皮做晚饭,并加了海带和黄瓜丝。什么?问我我的刀功怎么这么差?事实上这种东西它根本就不存在… 另外,我也不知道我为什么会卧一个荷包蛋进去。管他呢反正我只是弄包方便面填饱肚子(。
December 13, 2017
I think it looks pretty good hahaha
December 11, 2017
Habit to find a different word in spicy 😂