

Welcome to the Girlfriend Expert Channel, I'm the Girlfriend Expert.

Although I'm an expert in flirting with girls, I haven't even gotten a girl, and I haven't even made a female friend. It's a rhythm that breaks my heart and hurts. 😩

Let's get to the point, here are the snacks that my Black Five gang mom bought together when she was wearing a mask:


I believe everyone is familiar with crispy noodles, these are all delicious. The crispy and fragrant noodles are thinner and the seasoning powder feels a little too much (it will be sprinkled everywhere), but it is still very good.

Weilong Konjac Shuang: Spicy Q Bun Shuang, just a little bit more MSG. (The first time I bought one box, this time I bought two boxes, because my mother thought it was delicious, so I bought less last time. 😂)

Weilong Kissing: The taste of braised beef is similar to that of Sichuan incense, but the taste is a little harder than that of Sichuan incense.

Crab roe roll: The taste is similar to the crab-flavored fish tofu of Gagazui, and the texture is also. Not amazing, but not bad.

TIPO rusks: The texture is crunchy, kind of like a biscuit. It's about the size of a kiss. I like the following two very much. I will try other flavors next time.


              The strong durian flavor and the crunchiness of the crumbs really seem to be eating dried durian. Friends who like to eat durian should also like it.

Lotte Chocolate Chip:  The first time I eat it, it feels so bad, I always feel weird. It may be that the mind has not accepted this unsweetened chocolate 😂. After eating it, I felt better, not so bad. This chocolate is not sweet and slightly bitter, suitable for friends who do not like sweet chocolate. Looking at the introduction paper attached, it seems to have matcha tea, and I am very curious about the taste.

Black Tea Ji Milk Tea: The taste is like Wangzai milk bar 😂, it feels a little flowery or something when drinking it, the overall feeling is not bad. My brother said that it is very similar to Assam milk tea, and it does feel a bit like it.

I personally think the above snacks are good, they are delicious (drinking), and the prices are very affordable.

Here are links to these snacks:         

                link above 🤣

Thank you for reading, see you next time, u la la 😂

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卫龙魔芋爽: 麻辣Q弹爽,就是味精多了一点点。(第一次买一盒,这次买两盒,因为我妈吃了觉得好吃,上回买少了。😂)

卫龙亲嘴烧: 红烧牛肉味感觉跟川香风味的味道差不多,口感感觉会比川香硬一点。

蟹黄卷: 感觉跟嘎嘎嘴的蟹香味鱼豆腐的味道差不多,口感也是。没有很惊艳,但是还不错。

TIPO面包干: 口感是脆的,有点像饼干那样。大概跟一片亲嘴烧的大小一样大。以下两款都很喜欢,下次试点别的口味的。



乐天巧克力豆:  吃第一颗的时候感觉好难吃,总觉得怪怪的。可能是头脑还没接受这种不甜的巧克力😂。后来吃着吃着就感觉还好,没那么难吃。这款巧克力不甜微苦,适合不爱吃甜巧克力的朋友。看里面附的介绍纸,好像有抹茶的,挺好奇什么味。

红茶姬奶茶: 口感就像旺仔牛奶吧😂,喝的时候感觉有点花香味还是什么,整体感觉还不错。我弟说很像阿萨姆奶茶,感觉确实有点像。



