I hope I can get some domestic medical beauty masks, I bet this will be a big seller! Because there is basically no other channel to buy it other than returning to China and carrying it back by yourself! But these medical beauty masks have great effects! Recommended by many celebrities! If Yami can negotiate with these pharmaceutical companies, the price must be good and it will become an overseas exclusive!
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Yamiセレクション 希望可以上一些国货医美面膜啊,我敢打赌这个上了一定大卖!因为除了回国自己背过来,基本没有任何别的渠道可以购买!可是这些医美面膜,效果杠杠的!好多红人推荐!亚米如果能和这些药厂谈下来,价格一定不错而且会成为海外独家啊!