cat's claw dumplings This dumpling is filled with the most traditional black sesame filling. The sesame filling part refers to Tinrry's recipe. Ingredients needed (about 7 dumplings): Tangyuan skin: 70g glutinous rice flour, 21g boiling water, 30-35g cold water Filling: 5 tablespoons of black sesame seeds, 2 tablespoons of sugar, about 15g butter Pink dumpling skin: glutinous rice flour, boiling water, cold water, food coloring 1️⃣Let the butter soften at room temperature. 2️⃣ Wash and drain the black sesame seeds, and fry them in a wok until cooked. Fried sesame seeds will puff up (raw sesame seeds are flat). If you buy cooked sesame seeds, you don't have to make a fuss. After the black sesame is cooled, put it into a juicer and crush it with sugar (a food processor is better), mix the filling and butter evenly, and the butter can make the black sesame into a ball. Put in refrigerator for 30 minutes. 3️⃣ Divide the black sesame filling into 7 portions, roll into balls, and place in the refrigerator to freeze for about 1 hour. It feels like the black sesame filling is as hard as a rock. 2️⃣Add boiling water to the glutinous rice flour, stir well, then add cold water, add water little by little, you can knead into a ball, and the hardness is about the same as the earlobe. Wrap in cling film for later use. The same method is used to make the pink dumpling skin. Note that if it is a liquid pigment, it needs to be mixed with water and then added to the glutinous rice flour. 3️⃣ Take out the frozen filling and divide it into 7 portions. Flatten the glutinous rice ball, make a depression in the middle, add the filling, use the tiger's mouth to move the dough up, make a glutinous rice ball, round it, and then press it into a slightly flat oval shape. 4️⃣ Use the pink glutinous rice ball skin to make the shape of a cat's paw, dip some water and stick it on the glutinous rice ball.
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Yamiセレクション 猫爪汤圆 这个汤圆包了最传统的黑芝麻馅儿。芝麻馅儿部分参考Tinrry的配方。 所需食材(7个左右汤圆): 汤圆皮:糯米粉70g,开水21g,冷水30-35g 馅料:黑芝麻5勺、糖2勺、黄油15g左右 粉色汤圆皮:糯米粉、开水、冷水、食用色素 1️⃣让黄油放在室温软化。 2️⃣将黑芝麻洗净沥干,放入炒锅炒熟。炒熟的芝麻会鼓起来(生芝麻是扁的)。如果买的是熟芝麻就不用吵了。黑芝麻晾凉后和糖放入榨汁机打碎(有料理机更好),馅料与黄油混合均匀,黄油能让黑芝麻成团即可。放入冰箱冷冻30分钟。 3️⃣将黑芝麻馅儿分成7份搓成球放入冰箱继续冷冻1小时左右。感觉黑芝麻馅儿像石头一样硬就可以了。 2️⃣糯米粉中加入开水,搅拌均匀,再加入冷水,水一点点加入,可以揉成团,软硬度和耳垂差不多即可。包好保鲜膜待用。同样方法做出粉色汤圆皮,注意如果是液体色素需混在水中再加入糯米粉里。 3️⃣取出冻硬的馅料,分成7份。将糯米团压扁,中间凹陷,放入馅料,用虎口将面团上移,做成汤圆揉圆,再压成略扁的椭圆形。 4️⃣用粉色汤圆皮做出猫爪的形状,沾一些清水粘在汤圆上即可。