Call for CPP Campus Ambassadors

Hello, this is Aimee, a campus ambassador for Hospitality Management at Cal Poly Pomona.

I learned that Yami was recruiting campus ambassadors by chance when I was working on an IBM project, so I submitted my resume with the mentality of trying it out. Then officially joined the ranks of campus ambassadors in early January 2018 to bring discount benefits to our CPP friends.

After becoming a campus ambassador, the biggest gain is to accumulate students' food needs and experience in online marketing, and at the same time, I can make myself not miss any Yami Discount haha.

I hope to continue to work hard in the future and let more people know about us.

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Hello,这里是Cal Poly Pomona (加州州立理工大学pomona分校)酒店管理专业的校园大使Aimee。

在一次做IBM project的机缘巧合下知道了亚米在招校园大使,就抱着试试的心态投了简历。然后在18年一月初正式加入校园大使的行列中,为我们CPP的小伙伴们带来折扣福利。

