spring flower kindergarten Little strawberry🍓🍓🍓 to recommend hand cream to everyone (I went to the oil massage today, I am happy to recommend good things to everyone~) This is the first time I used a daily pack from an aunt~ It feels very moisturizing, but nothing special because I have used a lot of very moisturizing hand creams But I saw that Mimi bought it for night use. Recently, because I always use alcohol hand sanitizer at work, my hands are very dry, so I bought it without looking carefully. It smelled really good when I bought it. I was conquered by the inquisitive smell. After I squeezed it out, I found that there were small particles in it, which I thought should not be there. But the more I massaged, the smaller particles disappeared and my hands became smooth. It can be seen in the picture that it is yellow, the size of millet grains, and it will melt when massaged slowly It smells really good, mild smell 🍓🍓🍓 The last picture of the benefit I took in the lounge before the massage~ The neck is so warm and the book is sticky~
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Yamiセレクション 春天花花幼兒園的 小草莓🍓🍓🍓來給大家推薦護手霜啦 (今天去了精油按摩 開心的我來給大家推薦好物啦~) 這一款的日用裝我第一次用是一個阿姨送的~感覺很潤 但沒有什麼特別的 因為用過很多很潤的護手霜 但是看到米米有買夜用的 最近又因為上班 總用酒精洗手液 手很干 都沒仔細看 就買了 結果買回來真的太好聞了 我先是被這麼好問的味道征服了 後來擠出來以後 發現裡面有小顆粒 以為不應該有 結果越按摩 小顆粒就不見了 然後手就很光滑 圖里可以看到 是黃色的 小米粒大小 慢慢按摩就會融化 味道真的很好聞 淡淡的味道 🍓🍓🍓最後一張福利 我按摩之前在休息室拍的~脖子好暖好書糊呢~