【Konjac cold skin】 😋 Delicious lazy fast food 😋 I will refrigerate it in the refrigerator before eating, it will feel more delicious and refreshing when eating. Konjac Liangpi recommends the spicy one, the one with sesame sauce is not as delicious as this one. 1. Tear a small opening in the konjac bag and pour out the water in the bag. 2. Pour the konjac cold skin into a bowl, and add the seasoning according to your own taste. 3. Stir well and eat. Isn't it super simple 😝 You don't need to cook, steam, etc., time-saving and delicious! A must for summer!
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Yamiセレクション 【魔芋凉皮】 😋很好吃的懒人速食😋 吃之前我会冷藏在冰箱里,吃的时候会更觉得更好吃更清爽。魔芋凉皮推荐麻辣味的这款,麻酱的那个不如这个好吃。 1.把魔芋包撕开一个小口,倒掉袋里的水分。 2.把魔芋凉皮倒入碗中,调料根据自己口味来加。 3.搅拌均匀后就可以吃啦。 是不是超简单😝根本不用煮啊蒸啊什么的,省时又好吃!夏天必备!