
mixx cookies recommendation

The biscuits I found when I returned home last year were amazing. mixx milk-filled digestive biscuits. The best in sandwich biscuits. Not sweet or greasy at all. The taste is light but fragrant and crunchy. The crust is crispy and it is a digestive biscuit. There is a slight salty taste. There is not much filling, and it has a light creamy taste, so it is not sweet at all. It feels delicious and healthy. Tastes better than normal digestive biscuits. There is no ordinary sandwich biscuits as sweet, so hard. It's amazing for people like me who don't like to eat especially sweet, salty and hard cookies! ! ! I'm a long-time cookie lover, but very picky.  I highly recommend this biscuit, it tastes impeccable! ! !


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去年回国发现的饼干,超级惊艳。mixx牛奶夹心消化饼干。 夹心饼干中的佼佼者。 一点也不甜,也不腻。 味道淡淡的但是很香很脆。 外皮很酥,是消化饼干。 有一点淡淡的咸味。 内馅儿不多,是淡淡的奶油味道, 所以一点也不甜。 感觉很好吃又很健康。 比一般的消化饼干 味道好。 有没有一般夹心饼干那么甜,那么硬。对于像我这样, 不爱吃特别甜特别咸和特别硬的饼干的人来说真是惊艳!!! 我是一个资深的饼干爱好者,但是特别挑剔。 大大推荐这款饼干,好吃的无可挑剔!!!
