
Welfare Society Phase 3⃣️ - Taizhen Beancurd

Tried this Taizhen Beancurd today. If it weren't for the trial of the welfare agency, I guess I wouldn't take the initiative to buy it in my life. I am also paranoid about sweet things. I occasionally buy snacks that everyone says are delicious. If they are not sweet, I will just try them~ Just like the beef tongue cake that was robbed before, I took a bite. I won't want to eat a second bite at all......So, the taste is really hard to say~~ span>

Because I definitely can't finish it myself, and the packaging is relatively simple, I simply put it all on a plate! 👇👇👇

I have eaten the biggest piece for my face~~ Well, how can I say it? Don't like it just don't like it? Although it is a bit sweet, it feels slightly greasy to eat~~ I feel that this is what my subjective consciousness is at work, because I was prejudiced against it before I ate it! It tells me that my favorite snacks should be sweet!

Good things can't be wasted, right? I borrowed flowers and offered them to Buddha and brought them to Meat Dad~ Of course, I also gave him extra food, beef slippery fish ballsThe oil cake. My unpopular dried bean curd is already in Meat Dad's stomach...😅😅 Is this rehabilitating the dried bean curd? ? Meat dad said it was the taste of childhood, and also said that I am a person without childhood. 😒😒If you don’t like dried bean curd, why don’t you have childhood?

🎉🎉In the end, it is still manual Aite thanks to Welfare ~~~🎉 🎉

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