#亚米爆款王 #breakfast also eat well #breakfastmust [Jiangzhong 猴姑米稀] Jiangzhong Hougu’s breakfast rice has been on fire recently. The official announcement is that it is made from 10 kinds of medicinal raw materials plus stem rice and oatmeal. A bowl of warm breakfast can nourish the stomach 🥣 But the original rice is better than porridge. If the taste is dull, you can diy add meat floss, condensed milk and honey to eat more delicious 🥄 I love adding a spoonful of raw honey, it is just right 🍯🥧 【Southern black sesame paste】 Childhood memory👩🏻‍🍳Southern black sesame original fragrant zhirun, this time I bought the sugar-free version and thought it was too light, I should drink the original taste more mellow, a full bowl and sprinkle with crushed peanuts or soybean powder 🥜🌰🍪😋 【Mayushan Red Bean and Purple Rice Nut Drink】 The raw materials are red beans, oats, purple rice, almonds, hazelnuts, and pumpkin seeds and walnuts. I often bought the Mayushan series before~ I feel that the low-sugar version still tastes sweet, so it can be matched with the above two rice thin and black sesame seeds. Paste together and rush 🥛🥞🥪
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Yamiセレクション #亚米爆款王 #早餐也要吃好 #早餐必备 【江中猴姑米稀】 江中猴姑的早餐米稀最近大火,官宣是10种药材原料外加梗米和燕麦片熬制,温温热热的早餐一碗可以养胃哦🥣不过原味米稀实在比喝清粥还要口味寡淡,可以diy加肉松、炼乳、蜂蜜一起吃更美味🥄我超爱加raw honey浓浓一勺甜的恰到好处🍯🥧 【南方黑芝麻糊】 童年记忆👩🏻‍🍳南方黑芝麻原香芝润,这次买了无糖版觉得太淡了些,还是应该喝原味更醇香,满满一碗再撒上花生碎或者黄豆粉🥜🌰🍪😋 【马玉山红豆紫米坚果饮】 原料有红豆、燕麦、紫米、杏仁、榛果还有南瓜子核桃哦,马玉山系列之前经常买~感觉写了低糖的还是喝出甜味,所以可以搭配着上面两款米稀和黑芝麻糊一起冲噢🥛🥞🥪