【Mask punch Day26】 💕Hollywood Glowing Mask Black Tank. This is the first mask I bought from their home. 💕Simple introduction, this is a mud-like cleansing mask, suitable for all skin types. For sensitive skin, you should try it before you buy it. It mainly has the effect of quick exfoliation and rejuvenation. Many Hollywood stars use it as a first-aid mask before going on stage. . 💕How to use: After cleansing, apply an appropriate amount on the face, a thin layer, and wash it off after 10 minutes. But I think this is really not easy to wash🤣. 💕The formal package is a 50g black can, which can be used about 15 times. The mask is like a sticky mud, containing some abrasive particles and tea leaves, and the taste is still fragrant. Gently apply it on the face with a brush, the paste is very sticky and not easy to push away, and there is an obvious sandy feeling. This mask dries super fast! So the face will be very tight! Don't make any facial expressions while wearing it. Otherwise, expression lines will definitely appear 😂 💕In terms of exfoliation and cleansing, this mask works well. However, I personally feel that the process of applying the mask is not very enjoyable, because there is a sense of sand and irritation on the face. Also, it is not easy to clean. I Personally, I prefer the two cleansing masks I have recommended before.
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Yamiセレクション 【面膜打卡Day26】 💕好莱坞发光面膜黑罐.这是我最早买的它家的一款面膜. 💕简单介绍,这是一款泥状清洁面膜,适合所有肌肤,敏感肌肤还是先试用一下再买.主要快速去角质和焕颜的功效.很多好莱坞明星将它做为上台前的急救面膜使用。 💕使用方法:洁面后取适量敷于面部,薄薄一层,10分钟后用洗去.不过我觉得这款真的不好洗🤣. 💕正装是50g的黑罐,大概可以用15次左右,面膜就是黏黏的泥巴样,含有一些磨砂颗粒和茶叶,味道还算是清香, 用刷子轻轻敷在脸上,膏体很黏不容易推开,有明显的沙粒感。这款面膜干的超级快!所以脸会很紧绷!敷着它千万不要做表情。不然表情纹肯定出现😂 💕去角质清洁的方面,这款面膜效果还不错的.但是,我个人觉得敷面膜的过程并没有很享受,因为有沙粒的存在感和上脸的刺激.还有就是不好清洗.我个人相对更喜欢我之前打卡推荐过的两款清洁面膜。