
Checklist for long-haul flights Continued

Continue to share with you the list of must-haves for long-haul flights today!

It takes more than ten hours for a flight to return to China. The fatigue of a long-distance flight cannot be described in a few words. The humidity in the cabin is low, especially dry, and the intensity of ultraviolet rays at high altitudes is high, so it is particularly important to do a good job of moisturizing and sun protection on the plane.

How to minimize travel fatigue, please accept this list of must-haves for flying ʕ• 0 span0•ʔ

1⃣️ Silk Eye Mask

One of the must-haves for sleeping, a shading artifact. Dreaming of Paris Girls fan silk eye mask, sleep mask full of girly heart, pearl pink is super beautiful, and lace is also irresistible force. 100%Silk material, soft and comfortable, a must-have on the plane!

2⃣️ Sunscreen

At the flight height of the plane, the damage of ultraviolet rays is much stronger than that on the ground. If the visor is not turned off, sunscreen should be applied.

3⃣️ Tangle Teezer Anti-knot comb

I usually have loose hair when I don’t eat on the plane, but the environment on the plane is too dry, and the back of the hair is easy to tangle when I sleep, so it is especially important to have a good comb important. The hair that used to be knotted took more than half an hour to comb with the Tan Carpenter's comb, but now it only takes half an hour with the Tangle Teezer comb minute! The comb itself is extra light, doesn't tug on the hair, and is also anti-static. Massage the scalp is also super comfortable, I really have to fight like crazycall.

4⃣️ 9. Earplugs

A must for sleeping! Soundproofing artifact~

5⃣️ Toothbrush and toothpaste

Meals are usually provided on the plane for more than ten hours.2-3Meals, meals After brushing your teeth, you can refresh your mind and reduce fatigue.

6⃣️ Waterproof travel wash bag

Put all the items mentioned above into this toiletry bag for easy storage.

7⃣️ Slippers

Wearing your shoes for too long is really uncomfortable, so be sure to change your slippers!

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长途飞机必带清单 续



如何在最大程度上减轻旅行带来的疲惫感,请收下这份坐飞机必带清单 ʕ••ʔ

1⃣️ 真丝眼罩

睡觉必备之一,遮光神器。Dreaming of Paris 少女粉真丝眼罩,充满少女心的睡眠眼罩,珍珠粉色超级好看,蕾丝花边也是毫无抵抗力。100%真丝材质,柔软舒服,坐飞机必带!

2⃣️ 防晒霜


3⃣️ Tangle Teezer 防打结梳子

在飞机上不吃饭的时候我一般是散着头发,但是机上环境太干燥,加上睡觉的时候后面头发很容易打结,备好一把好梳子尤为重要。以前打结的头发用谭木匠的梳子要半个多小时才梳顺,现在用Tangle Teezer的梳子只要半分钟!梳子本身特别轻,不会拉扯头发,还可以防静电。按摩头皮也超级舒服,真的要疯狂打call

4⃣️ 9. 耳塞


5⃣️ 牙刷牙膏


6⃣️ 防水旅行洗漱包


7⃣️ 拖鞋
