A super delicious new find! Korean handmade tofu biscuits because I don't understand Korean, look at the picture on the back, it should be made of black bean tofu It tastes salty, crispy, and has a faint soy milk taste. Because it is made of tofu and not fried, it always has a psychological effect and feels very healthy~ To repurchase! recommend!
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一个超好吃的新发现! 韩国手制豆腐饼干因为不懂韩文看背面的图片应该是黑豆豆腐做成的 吃起来咸香脆脆 有着淡淡的豆乳味道 一块一块根本停不下来! 因为是豆腐做的还非油炸 总有着心理作用感觉很健康的样子~ 要回购!推荐!