
A collection of herbs for eyewash

Today I will plant a herbal eye wash for everyone!

I bought the above three bottles by myself One bottle for trial comparison< /span>

I started with pink Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Eye Wash

How do I say it I feel like I am new to eye wash A little too exciting often I shed tears while washing.

It's very cool But occasionally when I stay up late and get really hard This one also works well for removing redness It will obviously feel that the eyes are a lot wet.  p>

Look at the introduction It contains double vitamins< span class="s1">b16 andb2 suitable for frequent wear The beauty expert of glasses But as a person who is afraid of eye irritation After this bottle was used up I resolutely changed to blue Kobayashi Pharmaceutical eye wash

Blue Kobayashi Pharmaceutical is a degree or two less irritating than the powder bottle It will still feel cool but not cry madly

It also has the effect of removing redness 23333And the weather is hot and cool. Function【What the hell is this cool eyes< span class="s3">Brain?

I don't think it works I can't wash anything dirty everyday< /span> Sometimes after applying eye makeup and removing makeup, I use eye wash to focus on washing Sometimes washes out makeup residue

Finally, let me talk about the Rohto I am usingcceye wash span>

I bought this in a group. It just so happens that Xiaolin blue bottle is also used Finished I tried this one

Very comfortable! ! Not cool at all Gentle < span class="s3">Although there is no obvious dirt after washing But the eyes are moist< span class="s1"> Feeling full of water

Everyday Invisibility Available Also contains three vitamins: B6 B16 and natural vitamins< /span>E

Rohtocc[lower left corner] eye wash is very economical

span> Not like Xiaolin who needs to pour a bunch of them For Rohto, it only needs 5ml to fill the small groove

But one thing I don't really like is that it has a full silicone cover Sometimes it is not a good angle to cover the eyes span>Eyewash will flow onto face

This concludes today's list! If you have any questions, you can leave a message directly in the comment area. Chiu Mi(* /ω*)

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以上三瓶都是我自己买回来 一瓶瓶试用对比哒


怎么说呢 感觉对于刚开始接触洗眼液的我 有点太刺激了 经常是一边洗一边流眼泪

特别凉 不过偶尔熬夜熬得特别狠的时候 这一款拿来去红血丝效果也很好 会明显感觉眼睛湿润了挺多 

看了一下介绍 里面是含有双倍维生素b16 b2 适合经常带隐形眼镜的美妆达人 但是我作为一个眼睛怕刺激的人 在这瓶用完之后 果断换了蓝色的小林制药洗眼液

蓝色的小林制药就比粉瓶的刺激度低一两度 还是会有凉凉的感觉 但是不会狂流眼泪

同样有去红血丝的功效 23333还有天气热清凉一下的功能【这是什么鬼 清凉眼睛大脑吗】

我觉得无功无过 日常也洗不出什么脏东西 有时候画眼妆卸妆之后就会用洗眼液重点洗一下 有时候会把化妆残留洗出来


这个是当初我拼团买的 刚好小林蓝瓶也要用完了 我就入了这个试试

非常舒服!!一点清凉感都没有 温温和和的 虽然洗完之后没有什么明显脏东西 但是有种眼睛湿润 喝饱水的感觉

日常隐形 均可使用 还含有三种维生素:B6 B16 以及天然维生素E

乐敦cc【左下角】的洗眼液用量非常省 不像小林需要倒一堆 乐敦的话只需要5ml 满了那个小凹槽就好

不过我有一点不是很喜欢的就是 它的盖子是全硅胶的 有时候盖在眼睛上没找好角度的话 洗眼液会流到脸上

今天的晒单就到此结束啦!如果有问题的话可以直接留言评论区哟 啾咪(*/ω*)