Some time ago, I bought a pack of 𠧧 ingredients to try it out. Since it was the first time I bought it, I poured the whole pack into it, and the powder was not mixed well, and the taste was a bit strange. Next time you want to do it, put less. Or the ingredients should be ready, and then start cooking. I personally think it's not bad. For those who haven't bought it, you can refer to it and decide whether to buy it or not.
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前段时间 我是先买一包𠧧料试试看,由于是第一次买,我把一整包都倒进去,再加上粉没搅拌好,味道有点奇怪。下次要做的话,就少放点。或者𠧧料要弄好,再开始煮。我个人觉得还不错,没买过的朋友们,可以参考下,再决定要不要买?