I bought the most on Black Friday last year, and the ones I returned the most were MB shoes. It was probably around Thanksgiving that Saks had a decent price, around $400-$500. In fact, I know that some girls bought classic models at Nm for about $200. Of course, this kind of luck can't be on me. The following is my experience: 1. Saks should be bought more because the quality level is uneven and the color difference is serious. I probably bought three models at Saks, flat and 100mm, and three different colors, and wanted to come back and try them out. As a result, none of the three are of good quality. If you receive poor quality, you can respond to the customer service, and the customer service will give corresponding compensation according to the severity. 2. The price of NM is high, but you may get a good price in the middle of the night, and the quality is generally good, at most the soles are a little dirty. 3. Don't be discouraged if you don't get it, if you swipe NM or Saks more during the festival from November to December, you will get a good price. 4. If there is a good price, you can try and ask the customer service for price adjustment. It seems that the price adjustment requirements are relatively loose during the festival. My purple flat-bottomed NM helped me adjust the price after a month. About Mb shoes: 1. Size: It is still full and correct for my feet, not too big or too small 2. Flat shoes: suitable for MM with thin feet, there may be some grinding around the feet 3. 100mm can't be worn by ordinary people, if you don't wear it often, it is recommended not to challenge this height 4. 70mm is the most comfortable height of its home, more comfortable than the flat bottom. If you encounter a 70mm discount, grab it quickly, it is worth a little more than $600. The above, I hope this year's centipede team will be helpful
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我去年黑五买的最多的,退的最多的就是MB的鞋啦。大概是在感恩节当天的时候Saks出了比较给力的价格,在$400~$500左右。其实我知道有的妹子在Nm买的$200左右的经典款,当然这种运气不可能在我身上啦。 以下是我的经验之谈: 1. Saks要多买,原因是质量层次不齐,色差严重。我大概在Saks买了三款,平跟与100mm,然后三个不同的颜色,想回来试一下。结果三款都是没有一个质量好的。收到质量差的,可以跟客服反应,客服会根据严重性给相应的赔偿。 2. NM的价格偏高,但是半夜可能会刷到好价格, 而且质量普遍不错,最多鞋底有些脏。 3. 没有抢到也不要灰心,节日11-12月多刷一刷NM或者Saks就会出好价格。 4.如果出现好的价格,可以去试一试问客服要price adjustment, 似乎节日期间price adjustment的要求比较松一些,我紫色的平底NM帮我adjust了一个月之后的价格。 关于Mb鞋子: 1. 号码: 对我的脚还是满正的,不大不小 2. 平底鞋: 适合脚瘦的MM,脚的四周可能会有一些磨脚 3. 100mm 凡人穿不了,你如果不是经常穿,建议不要挑战这个高度 4. 70mm 它家最舒服的高度,比平底还要舒服。如果遇到70mm减价,就快抢吧,稍微贵一点$600左右也是值的。 以上,希望对今年的蜈蚣精小分队有所帮助