
Guerlain | Dry skin savior, high-value, high-use gold foil makeup primer✨

▪️I recently entered the pit of Guerlain In fact, I have always been planting this bottle of Guerlain's gold foil makeup primer!But unfortunately I am not very good Love to use makeup primer Makeup also likes to omit steps So I haven't really started yet!But well, I have to say that I am I saw the recommendation of @zzzzzzi and bought it~ Get your hands on the last wave of discounts at Sephorawith Guerlain Restorative Honey~

▪️First of all, I have to say that Guerlain's products seem to be very beautiful~Previous article The golden pearls restore honey And then Plus this bottle of shiny and rich lady makeup primer is really beautiful to you Don't buy it.!This bottle of makeup primer is also a glass bottle with great texture At first glance, you will be attracted by the dense shards of gold foil inside Full of delicate flavors~The only downside is that the cap is a fingerprint collector< span class="s3"> There is no way to avoid it when using it

▪️Guerlain Gold Foil Primer is a gel-like texture < span class="s2">Squeeze and pop for perfect use on the whole face No waste at all< span class="s3">!There are fine and dense pieces of gold foil in each jump Smooth on the face(but not yslThe kind of fake slip before makeup!)It's easy to push away !

▪️It will automatically combine with the transparent essence after pushing it off!It's a savior for dry skin The perfect solution for people like me The autumn and winter troubles of girls who love card powder on both sides of the nose and nose with such large dry skin in winter The makeup is very pleasant. No sticking or rubbing at all!< /span>And make your makeup last longer!!Super worth buying span> Prepare for laterselfridgesSwipe it on top and stock up on a bottle or two for mom or friends!

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Guerlain | 干皮救星 高颜值高使用感金箔妆前乳✨

▪️最近算是入了娇兰的坑吧 其实一直都很种草这瓶娇兰的金箔妆前乳!但是无奈我不怎么爱用妆前乳 化妆也很喜欢省略步骤 所以一直都没有真正的入手!但是好吧不得不说我又是看了@zzzzzzi的推荐剁手了~和娇兰复原蜜一起赶在Sephora的最后一波折扣入手了~

▪️首先不得不说娇兰家的东西貌似颜值都是很高的~上一篇金灿灿的小珠珠复原蜜 再加上这瓶闪闪亮亮看上去就很有钱的贵妇妆前乳 真的是美到你不买都不行啊!这瓶妆前乳的也是玻璃瓶的很有质感 一眼就会被里面密密的金箔碎片所吸引 满满都是精致的味道~不过唯一缺点就是瓶盖属于指纹收集器 使用的时候总是没办法很好的避免

▪️娇兰金箔妆前乳质地是啫喱状 挤一蹦就可以全脸完美使用 一点儿也不浪费!每一蹦里都有细腻绵密的金箔碎片 上脸之后很顺滑(但是不是ysl那种妆前的假滑!)很好推开!

▪️推开后会自动的与透明的精华液质地很好的结合!简直就是干皮救星 完美的解决了像我这样的大干皮冬天鼻头两边爱卡粉的女孩子的秋冬烦恼~这个妆前乳上脸之后后期上妆非常的惊喜 完全不卡纹不搓泥!而且可以让你妆容更加持久!!超级值得购入 准备后期再在selfridges上面刷刷再囤一两瓶给妈妈或者好朋友!