Watermelon Flavor 🍉 Mask

I went to Sephora yesterday to return things... But the first thing I saw when I entered the store was Seeing it, isn't this the bag recommended by Miss Sunshine!

Then I silently said in my heart Don't buy, don't buy< span class="s2">.. Glanced again before going out, then.. It's in my bag!

This transparentPVCbag is really cute! It's worth it for this bag! And I use this mask is also good, would have to repurchase.

Appearance🐶It really can't be cured!

The set includes the famous watermelon mask, which is very easy to use. Here is my review:

In fact, I have been paying attention to this mask for a long time, but I have never dared to buy it. The reason is that this acid mask is difficult for my skin to adapt to, and although it smells of watermelon, it is suspected of being a little fragrance.

Sephora had given away this luxury sample before, so I couldn't wait to place an order.

I have used it three times, and it has surprised me every time!

First, it is not very irritating to the skin.

Second, it absorbs quickly and has a good experience.

Third, the second day brightening effect is very significant, as well as the effect of even skin.

The only downside is that there will be a slight acetic acid smell on my face after a while, especially want me to eat dumplings🥟 .

recommended by real name, but it is best to use a small sample for sensitive skin.

Above, thank you for reading❤️

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昨天去丝芙兰退东西... 然而进店第一眼就看到了它,这不就是晒货小姐姐推荐的包包么!

然后我心里默默的说 不要买不要买.. 出门前又瞄了一眼,然后.. 就到我的包包里了!











