【JM Pearl Mask】 I should not be very sensitive skin, the requirements for the mask are not particularly high, just moisturizing and moisturizing. I personally like this mask. First of all, it is very docile on the face, and there is a lot of essence in it (I usually wipe the excess on the neck and places that I don’t usually pay attention to) It is very light and breathable, and some people may feel that the fragrance is heavy. This is true, but if you don't mind, it just smells pretty good? To be honest, I haven’t used the first and third episodes because I’m really lazy 🤣 As far as eye creams are concerned, I feel that the amount is really enough, I can even use it three times without any problem… It is a model that I will repurchase. If you just want to moisturize and hydrate, I still recommend this one.
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Yamiセレクション 【JM珍珠面膜】 我应该不是很算敏感肌吧,对面膜的要求也不会特别高之遥保湿水润就好了 这款面膜我个人还蛮喜欢的,首先上脸很服帖,里面精华非常多(多余的我一般会抹脖子和平时不太注意的地方) 很轻薄透气,可能有人会觉得香精味很重。这个确实是,但是不介意的话只是觉得还蛮好闻的? 说实话第一第三部曲我都没怎么用过因为真的太懒了🤣就眼霜而言我感觉真的量给的很足很足很足,甚至可以用三次都没问题… 属于我会回购的款,如果只是想保湿补水 我还蛮推荐这个的