As a tea lover, in addition to multiple boxes of kung fu tea at home, there are also many such convenient and fast tea bags~easy to make a cup anytime, anywhere~ The teas in pictures 2&3 above are from Yamibuy's "Winter Warm Drinks" campaign at the beginning of 2018. I remember that at that time, there were a lot of brewed/instant beverages such as tea/coffee/oatmeal, and the price was $0.1-$1. (p.s. how come such a good deal has never appeared again? 😭😭😭) In the picture, these are basically $0.1-$0.5. There is not much money to buy nearly 500 tea bags. Can you believe this? At that time, I hesitated for a while and wondered whether it was a product that was about to expire. As a result, the products added to the shopping cart became unavailable at a visible speed. I quickly bought almost all products that were visible and rated ok. In fact, the above picture may be less than one-third of the purchases at that time, and many bottled drinks have been destroyed. After all, they were bought a year ago. It is worth mentioning that all purchased products are not expiring soon, and the shelf life is quite long. Amitabha is so conscientious! I just don’t know when I will be kind again (≧∇≦) The reason why this list is attached to Happy House is that I think of the countless days and nights, work + study, that the tea at home accompanied me. However, the efforts that seemed to be meaningless at the beginning always played their role at an unexpected moment. Therefore, in the new year, continue to live well, seize the opportunity to improve yourself, and be a happy and positive home squat (^_^)v
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作为一个爱茶人士,家里除了有多盒功夫茶,还有很多这种方便快捷的袋泡茶~方便随时随地泡一杯~ 上面2&3两图中的茶,都是来自于18年初亚米网“冬季暖饮”的活动。记得当时,有超多茶叶/咖啡/麦片等冲泡类/即时类饮品,价格都是$0.1-$1。(p.s.现在如此好deal怎么再也没出现了?😭😭😭) 图中这些基本都是$0.1-$0.5的,没有多少钱买了近500包茶包,这你能信?当时犹豫了一会不知道是不是快过期产品,结果嗖嗖嗖加入购物车的产品以可见速度变成不可购,赶紧疯狂买了几乎所有可见+评价ok的产品。其实上面这图可能也就当时购买物的三分之一不到吧,还有很多瓶装饮料都被毁尸灭迹了,毕竟已经一年前买的了。 值得一提的是,所有购买产品都不是快过期的,保质期都还挺长的。亚米大大真是太良心!就是不知道什么时候再次大发善心呢(≧∇≦) 这个晒单之所以跟快乐宅搭上边,是想起来家里茶叶陪伴我的无数个日夜,工作+学习。而当初觉得一点意义都没有的努力,却总在某一个意想不到的时刻发挥它的作用。所以,新的一年也要继续好好生活,把握机会提升自己,做一个快乐而又积极的家里蹲(^_^)v