👏🏻Baby's must-have milk for going out

 I was just getting to know Gerber's milk, It was in the 🏥hospital and just had a baby. That was last year5month15, and gave birth to a boy, it is now about 8months. However, Amazon website, you can also buy it!

 The front is like this, if you don't If you know English, look at my screenshot and buy it again

New Look means new packaging! In fact, I don't really understand it.

There are milk ingredients on the reverse side, and others, I won't say it

 This is the ingredients! If you are pregnant, or a father-to-be, and see my article, recommend it to your wife! Because I want to say: there may be new mothers in this list area👩🏻 Or novice dad, don’t thank me too much! 😆

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 我刚开始认识嘉宝的奶水,是在🏥医院,刚刚生完宝宝。那时是在去年5月份15号,而且生了个男孩,现在已经是8个月左右了。不过 亚马逊网站,也有买哦!


New Look是新包装的意思吧!其实我也不是很懂


 这张是成分哦!如果你是孕妇,或者是准爸爸,看到了我写文章,那就推荐给你的妻子吧!因为我想说:可能在这晒单区,也有新手妈妈👩🏻 或者新手爸爸,不要太感谢我哦!😆