Armani is probably my favorite make-up brand of all cosmetics. I really like the simplicity of the products, the strong and textured materials, and the beauty of the make-up. This is just rouge #513. I feel that the color of the lipstick with the title of rouge is bold and strong. This one is not bad. The color is classical red mixed with some orange tones. The color is very beautiful. It is very suitable for people who do not want to look too conspicuous Lip-colored girl. The color is very suitable for the finishing touch, and you can go out gorgeously with your favorite Spring Festival costumes ❤️ Recommended for fairies with fair skin 🎀 # 什么值得买 # # 新年红运妆 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationc835594ae47559d8c
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Armani 大概是所有化妝品中我最喜歡的彩妝品牌,很喜歡產品的簡潔俐落、材質很結實有質感,彩妝也很美。 這隻是 rouge #513,感覺有加 rouge 稱號的口紅顏色用色大膽強烈,這隻反而還好,塗起來顏色呈現古典紅色系參雜些許橘色調,顏色很美,很適合不想要看起來太顯眼唇色的妹子。顏色很適合畫龍點睛的效果,搭配喜歡的春節服飾就可以華麗麗出門了❤️ 推薦給皮膚偏白的小仙女們 🎀 # 什么值得买 # # 新年红运妆 # # 百万积分第五季 #