[Drip, punch the 5th day] avocado ponzu udon🥑 Today's cooking is avocado noodles Super easy and delicious 🥑How to do it🥑 First boil the udon noodles in a pot, then put them in cold water and wait for a while, then cut the avocado and stir it with the noodles. The ponzu added in the Japanese supermarket is the one with grapefruit flavor, which is low-calorie and healthy. . At the end I'll make a poached egg button on it, the kind that will turn everything yellow on a knife. Sprinkle with Japanese seaweed and sesame seeds, the taste will be more fragrant. For the color to look good, I also put small cherry tomatoes. Eat happily every day # 温暖小家养成记 # # 亚米厨房 # # 健康早餐 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 #
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Yamiセレクション 【滴,打卡第5天】avocado ponzu udon🥑 今天做的是牛油果拌面哦 超级简单方便又好吃哦 🥑做法🥑 先把乌冬面放在锅里煮开, 煮开后放在凉水里等一下, 再切开牛油果把她和面条一起搅拌, 加入日本超市的ponzu 就是柚子味的那种, 低卡还很健康。 最后我会做一个水波蛋扣在上面, 就是刀子一切就会流黄的那种。 撒上日本的海苔芝麻, 味道会更香。 为了色彩好看, 我还放了小圣女果。 每天都要开心的吃饭呀~ # 温暖小家养成记 # # 亚米厨房 # # 健康早餐 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 #