
【Low sugar and low calorie brown sugar and red dates cake】

#Day 6#

My aunt visited these two days. She was very craving for carbohydrates and sweets, but she was losing fat and couldn't eat too sinful sweets, so I made one for myself. Brown sugar red dates cake. Red dates have a slight sweetness, so only a small amount of brown sugar needs to be added to the cake, which can make the cake taste, with the sweetness of brown sugar and high nutritional value. For women, eat some brown sugar and red dates appropriately, It not only has the effect of regulating the stomach, but also plays a certain role in promoting blood circulation and nourishing qi and blood

Now, let's see how.

First, prepare the ingredients: flour 200g; brown sugar 40g; red dates 50grams (chopped), warm water 150grams; wolfberry 20g; yeast powder 4g; p>



1. Pour brown sugar into warm water, stir with a spoon to dissolve, set aside< /p>

2. Put the yeast into the brown sugar water and mix well for a while

3. Add chopped red dates, then flour and mix well

4. Add to the oiled glass container and wait for fermentation, approx.50minutes

5. Wait for the batter to ferment to its original state2< /span>times, steam for 25minutes



The steamed cake has a strong aroma of red dates, soft and delicious, you must try it out😋





My staple food tonight is brown sugar red date cake, with a fried beef with fungus and cauliflower, so that carbohydrates, protein and vegetables are complete✌️ 

After all, I was in the fat-reducing period, so I had to endure only eating a small piece of cake, leaving the rest for the next meal< span class="s3">😋 

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首先,准备材料:面粉 200克;红糖 40克;红枣 50克(切碎),温水 150克;枸杞 20克;酵母粉 4克;



1. 将红糖倒入温水中,用勺子搅拌一下化开,备用

2. 将酵母放入红糖水中拌匀放置一会

3. 加入切碎的红枣,再加入面粉,搅拌均匀

4. 加入喷过油的玻璃容器中,等待发酵,大约50分钟

5. 等面糊发酵至原来的2倍左右,蒸25分钟即可










 # 亚米厨房 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 瑶瑶的厨房 # # 我要当测评官第4 #