# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # [Drop, punch the 7th day] Shoveling snow for half an hour today...I couldn't resist eating chicken noodle soup for dinner. It's too hard to lose weight in winter. Tomorrow, we will officially start 16-hour light fasting, eat three meals from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and strive for one hour of exercise every day. Come on, come on 💪 I specially went to Costco to buy yogurt, mixed with barley and leaf powder, it tastes good, and it can supplement dietary fiber.
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# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # 【滴,打卡第7天】 今日运动铲雪半小时…晚饭没忍住吃了鸡汤面,冬天减肥太难熬了唉。明天正式开始16小时轻断食,早9点-晚5点吃三餐,每日争取运动一小时。加油加油💪 特地去Costco买了酸奶,拌大麦若叶粉味道不错,可以补充膳食纤维。