# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # Drop, punch the 11th day Yesterday, I said that I will be back to normal work and rest again today... After breakfast at ten o'clock in the morning, I didn't have time to eat until three in the afternoon. Later, I bought a cup of fro-yo on the way to class, crying, and eating ice cream when I was hungry. of happiness. In the evening, I went to Whole Foods to replenish oatmeal and bought dinner, a box of pineapples. (Actually pineapple is my go-to!)
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# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # 滴,打卡第11天 昨天刚说恢复正常作息今天又作死……早上十点吃过早饭之后一直到下午三点都没时间吃,后来就在上课的路上买了一杯fro-yo,哭泣,饿的时候吃冰淇淋真的好幸福。晚上去whole foods补货燕麦顺便买了晚饭,一盒菠萝。(实际上菠萝就是我的通便利器!)