# 手机里舍不得删的照片 # # 趁着春光去旅行 # I have always liked to go to national parks to enjoy the scenery, climb mountains and go to the sea, take pictures, watch sunsets and sunrises, and I look forward to one day learning photography to take more beautiful photos and to be able to travel all over the major national and state government parks. These photos were taken during a trip to Joshua Tree National Park. Although this national park does not have the popular beautiful scenery, it has its own unique beauty in the desert. The park is located between two deserts (Mojave and Colorado) and therefore combines the unique scenery and flora of the two deserts. In addition to the protected Joshua tree, there are various strange rocks, Cholla cactus gardens, and spectacular high-altitude scenery to enjoy. If you stay a little later, you can look up at the stars in the endless desert. Residents living in California don’t actually drive far, and can drive around 4:00 in the morning to complete the trip that can be done on the same day.
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Yamiセレクション # 手机里舍不得删的照片 # # 趁着春光去旅行 # 一直很喜歡去國家公園欣賞風景、爬山下海、拍照、看日落日出,期待有一天可以學好攝影拍出更美麗的照片並且能夠遊遍各大國家與州政府公園。 這些照片是去 Joshua Tree National Park 旅遊時照的。此國家公園雖然沒有大眾化的漂亮風景,但是有它自己別有一番沙漠中獨特的美。此公園內介於兩個沙漠之間 (Mojave 與 Colorado) 因此綜合了兩沙漠的獨特景色與植物。除了被列入保護的 Joshua 樹之外,內裡還有各種奇岩怪石、Cholla 仙人掌園、與壯觀的高處風景可以欣賞,如果留晚一點還可以在一望無際的沙漠中仰望星空。 住在加州的居民其實開車不算遠,可以一大早四點左右開去當天來回就完成的行程。