✨Charm Kitchen Black Rice Porridge Super delicious porridge! It's basically the same as what I make at home. The ingredients are full and the drink is thicker, which is the kind of feeling I like very much. It is not sweet by itself, and a sweet star like me can add sugar to the sweetness of your liking. Heating is also very convenient, you can use the microwave to simmer with the package for a few minutes (the package says to heat for 30 seconds, it can only be heated to a slight heat, and it feels better to drink for a few more minutes), or you can also pour it directly into the pot. Cooking, it should be good to drink it with ice in summer~ It has been added to the unlimited repurchase list 🧾 Girls are basically full after drinking a bag of 9. It is super convenient for breakfast, or 9 of them will not feel guilty if you drink a bag at night # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationea51ed1ab5cb4634b45cdf # 亚米厨房 #
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Yamiセレクション ✨魅力厨房黑米粥 超级好喝的粥!和自己家做的基本一样的,料很足,喝起来比较稠,是我很喜欢的那种感觉。本身是不甜的,像我这种嗜甜星人可以加糖到自己喜欢的甜度。加热也很方便,可以用微波炉带着包装一起叮几分钟(包装上写的加热30秒也就只能加热到微热,感觉多叮几分钟会更好喝~)或者也可以直接倒锅里煮,夏天冰着喝应该也不错~已加入无限回购清单🧾女生喝一袋基本就饱啦,当早餐超级方便,或者晚上加餐喝一袋也不会有罪恶感# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 什么值得买 # # 亚米厨房 #