Cat Deworming # 家有萌宠大曝光 # I have read a lot of articles recently. They all say that although it is an indoor cat, it is still necessary to pay attention to repelling the cat 🐛. To ensure the health of the owner. It is divided into internal drive and external drive. I gave it an external drive this time. After the internal drive, I went to the vet to do it. I checked all kinds of external drive supplies. . There are three and six packs respectively. But each brand is different 🐛. It is recommended that you do more research on the Internet. The position of the drive is behind the neck. Where the cat can't reach. The first attempt. My hands are still shaking. To prevent it from scratching, I made an Elizabethan ring with filter paper! Hahahahaha! So cute! A face of reluctance!
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猫咪驱虫记# 家有萌宠大曝光 # 最近看了不少的文章.都说虽然是indoor cat.还是得注重给猫咪驱🐛.以保证主子的健康。 分为内驱和外驱.我这次给它外驱.内驱以后去vet那边做.就查了各种外驱用品.在chewy上选了大宠爱.也是一个比较多人使用的牌子. 分别有三只和六只装.不过每个牌子去🐛不一样哟.建议大家自己多上网搜索功课。 驱的位置都在脖子后面.猫咪够不到的地方.第一次尝试.我的手还是抖了.为了防止它去抓毛.还是给它用过滤纸弄了一个伊丽莎白圈!哈哈哈哈哈!太可爱了!一脸的不情愿!