# 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 # I don't know when I started taking pictures of my mother's cooking. Now there are more than 300 photos of the dishes cooked by my mother in the photo album. I feel very happy 💕 I have picked out 9 dishes that I particularly like! The fish balls my mom made were so delicious! ! When I go to college next year, I will meet less often, and the taste of eating my mother will also be much less, so if my mother cooks by my side, don’t waste it, unless I cook a lot like my mother before so that we won’t be full! 😂😂 Tomorrow is Mother's Day! I bought a classic Hermes necklace for my mother and also prepared a massage chair and flowers for my boyfriend's mother in China~ I wish all mothers in the world will always be young and beautiful, and will be able to eat meals made by their children in the future or now 💗💗.
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# 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 # 不知道从什么时候开始会拍妈妈煮的菜了。现在相册里面有300多张妈妈煮的菜感觉很幸福了💕 我挑出了9张我特别喜欢的菜!我妈做的鱼丸简直太好吃了!! 明年就去大学了见面的次数就会少了吃妈妈的味道也会少很多,所以要是妈妈在身边煮东西大家不要浪费呀,除非像我妈妈之前一样煮的特别多生怕我们吃不饱! 😂😂 明天就是母亲节啦!给妈妈买了经典款爱马仕项链还给男朋友在中国的妈妈准备了按摩椅和鲜花~ 祝天下所有的妈妈永远年轻漂亮,以后或者现在能吃到子女做的饭💗💗。