# 春日粉色即正义 # Sephora's booty last year, after a year of use, it still feels very good. Especially for long hair that is easy to tangle, it is really smooth to comb the hair with it, and it does not hurt at all. For hair with permed curls at the tail, the effect of resisting knots is equally significant, and the fat shape is not difficult to hold at all. For small hands, you can hold the specially designed groove and handle it well. It's also easy to clean, just use a toothbrush to gently brush off hair stains and rinse off. There are also designs of various color patterns, which are used to combat knotted hair!
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# 春日粉色即正义 # 去年丝芙兰的战利品,用了一年还是觉得很好用。尤其对于易打结的长发,用它梳头发真的非常顺滑,一点都不疼。 对于尾部有烫卷的头发,对抗打结效果一样显著,而且胖胖的造型一点都不会难握住。对于小手星人一样可以握住专门设计的凹槽处,很好地handle它。 清洁起来也很方便,使用牙刷轻轻刷下毛发污渍,再冲洗干净即可。 还有各种颜色图案的设计,对抗打结头发就靠它!