# 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 ## 百万积分第六季 # Ma Ma's dinner table is definitely not lacking, it is a vegetable 🥬. The green vegetables that almost every child wants to refuse has become a must-have dish for children on my dinner table when I grow up. This dish of shiitake mushrooms and oyster sauce should be an authentic Cantonese dish. Children in the south often eat green vegetables with oyster sauce since childhood. Mushroom Vegetarian Oyster Sauce from Yami, specially made for vegetarians. The way to do it is simple: 1. After the cabbage is cooked, put it into a plate; 2. Take the oil pan, add garlic and fry until fragrant, add mushrooms and stir fry; 3. Pour in the sauce prepared with oyster sauce and salt; 4. Pour the ingredients on the cabbage and stir. It is a dish of the Mama Church! So every time I eat it, there is a numb taste🤗.
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# 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 ## 百万积分第六季 # 麻麻的饭桌上绝对不会少的,就是一道青菜🥬。几乎每个小朋友都很想拒绝的青菜,长大后也成了我饭桌上一定得给小朋友做的菜。 这道香菇蚝油菜心,应该是地道的粤菜,南方的小朋友从小经常吃和蚝油搭配的青菜。在亚米上买的香菇素蚝油,专为素食者打造。 做法很简单: 1. 将菜心捞熟后,盛入碟子里; 2. 起油锅,下蒜炒香,加入香菇翻炒; 3. 倒入蚝油和盐调好的酱汁; 4. 将食材倒在菜心上,搅拌一下即可。 算是麻麻教会的一道菜吧!因此每次吃都有麻麻的味道🤗。