【Taiwan Snack Punch Card】Wuchang Good Taste

Wuchang good taste is what I often don't know in Chinatown A must-visit restaurant when you want to eat something The food is delicious and cheap! I think its taro balls are much more delicious than fresh taro fairy! !

Address:3 Doyers St, New York, NY 10013

Per capita: approximately$12 15It's super filling!

It should be noted that it only accepts cash

What I must order every time I come here is its signboard:

1) Fried Chicken Drumstick Rice: consisting of a super large fried chicken thighHalf Braised EggSauerkraut

I don't really like fried chicken thighs. It's a bit salty but I think its white rice is delicious! It is very appetizing with sauerkraut and marinated sauce. This bowl of rice is eaten cleanly without knowing it!

2) Taro Ball Roasted Herbs: Super hearty! The ingredients are very full

In terms of price or value for money I personally feel that Taro Ball Series of Fresh Taro Immortals

Their taro balls are chewy and delicious! Overall it's not too sweet A must-order dessert every time I come here! It's actually quite filling when you eat it!

3) This time I also tasted the taro ball and eight treasure ice The material is as good as ever But it is better than For the taro balls, I still like the taro balls and the herbs a little more~


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武昌好味道是我在唐人街 经常不知道吃什么的时候必去的一家店 东西好吃又便宜!它家的芋圆我觉得比鲜芋仙的好吃太多了!!

地址:3 Doyers St, New York, NY 10013





炸鸡腿本身其实我是不太喜欢的 有一点咸 但是我觉得它家的白饭挺好吃的呀!配上酸菜和卤味汁十分的开胃 不知不觉就把这一碗饭都吃的干干净净的!


从价格上或者性价比上来说 个人觉得完爆鲜芋仙的芋圆系列

它家的芋圆很有嚼劲而且很好吃!总体来说又不会很甜 每次来都是必点的一个甜品!当饭吃其实也能吃的很饱呢!

3)这次还尝了芋圆八宝冰 料一如即往的很足 但是果然比起芋圆烧仙草来说我还是喜欢芋圆烧仙草更多一点~
