# 三食三餐 # Our village finally has a kebab shop! ! ! Can't wait to try it out now~ I have eaten all kinds of skewers, and they are delicious enough to fly 🥰 I no longer have to envy the people of the Bay Area for delicious food everywhere There is nothing wrong with it except that the price is a little less affordable! What could be happier than having a friend to hang out with?
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# 三食三餐 # 咱们村终于也有烤串店啦!!!迫不及待赶紧去尝鲜了一把~ 各种串串都吃了个遍,都好吃到飞起🥰再也不用羡慕湾区人民遍地都是好吃的了 除了价格稍微不够亲民之外,没有任何毛病!还有什么比约朋友一起撸串更幸福的事呢~